VCodecV4L2 C++ lib. Fast video codec (H264, JPEG) library for Raspberry PI4 and Zero 2
VCodecV4L2 C++ library version 2.1.2 provides simple interface for encoding video (H264 and JPEG) for Raspberry PI4 and raspberry PI Zero 2 based on V4L2 API.
LICENSE: We sell source code of this library as is, without future updates and technical support according to perpetual non-exclusive royalty-free license. You pay once and can use this library in your software and hardware products without limits. Please read the license agreement before purchasing: DOWNLOAD LICENSE. You can buy technical support service for this product.
VCodecV4L2 C++ library version 2.1.2 provides simple interface for encoding video (H264 and JPEG) for Raspberry PI4 and raspberry PI Zero 2 based on V4L2 API.
LICENSE: We sell source code of this library as is, without future updates and technical support according to perpetual non-exclusive royalty-free license. You pay once and can use this library in your software and hardware products without limits. Please read the license agreement before purchasing: DOWNLOAD LICENSE. You can buy technical support service for this product.
VCodecV4L2 C++ library version 2.1.2 provides simple interface for encoding video (H264 and JPEG) for Raspberry PI4 and raspberry PI Zero 2 based on V4L2 API.
LICENSE: We sell source code of this library as is, without future updates and technical support according to perpetual non-exclusive royalty-free license. You pay once and can use this library in your software and hardware products without limits. Please read the license agreement before purchasing: DOWNLOAD LICENSE. You can buy technical support service for this product.
Purchase options
You can by this software online by card or you can buy the software by bank transfer. Bank transfer available only for companies. To buy software by bank transfer please send us request to Also, you can buy technical support service for this product.
Programmer’s manual: DOWNLOAD
VCodecV4L2 C++ library provides hardware video encoding for H264 and JPEG codecs for Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi Zero 2. VCodecV4L2 class inherits interface and data structures from open source VCodec library and also includes Logger open source library which provides function for print logs. VCodecV4L2 uses V4L2 API. Version 2.1.1 supports only Raspberry Pi 4 and uses hardware encoders but it is possible to use the library on any other platforms with small changes in code. The library provides simple interface to be implemented in different C++ projects for Raspberry Pi. The library is written with C++17 standard. It are supplied as source code only. The library is a CMake project. Encoding time on Raspberry PI 4B and Zero 2, msec:
RPI 4, H264 codec, 1920x1080 - 12 msec, 1280x720 - 5.4 msec, 640x512 - 2.5 msec.
RPI 4, JPEG codec, 1920x1080 - 25 msec, 1280x720 - 13 msec, 640x512 - 5.5 msec.
Zero W2, H264 codec, 1920x1080 - 19.5 msec, 1280x720 - 8.7 msec, 640x512 - 2.8 msec.
Zero W2, JPEG codec, 1920x1080 - 33.4 msec, 1280x720 - 15.7 msec, 640x512 - 5.1 msec.
Simple interface
class VCodecV4L2 : public VCodec
/// Get library version.
static std::string getVersion();
/// Encode video frame.
bool transcode(Frame& src, Frame& dst);
/// Set parameter value.
bool setParam(VCodecParam id, float value);
/// Get parameter value.
float getParam(VCodecParam id);
/// Execute command.
bool executeCommand(VCodecCommand id);
Simple example
#include <iostream>
#include "VCodecV4L2.h"
int main(void)
// Create codec and set params.
cr::video::VCodec* videoCodec = new cr::video::VCodecV4L2();
videoCodec->setParam(cr::video::VCodecParam::BITRATE_KBPS, 2500);
videoCodec->setParam(cr::video::VCodecParam::GOP, 30);
videoCodec->setParam(cr::video::VCodecParam::FPS, 30);
videoCodec->setParam(cr::video::VCodecParam::H264_PROFILE, 0);
// Create NV12 frame and fill color plane by random values.
const int width = 1280;
const int height = 720;
cr::video::Frame frameNv12(width, height, cr::video::Fourcc::NV12);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < frameNv12.size; ++i)[i] = (uint8_t)i;
// Create output H264 frame.
cr::video::Frame frameH264(width, height, cr::video::Fourcc::H264);
// Create output file.
FILE *outputFile = fopen("out.h264", "w+b");
// Params for moving object.
int objectWidth = 128;
int objectHeight = 128;
int directionX = 1;
int directionY = 1;
int objectX = width / 4;
int objectY = height / 2;
// Encode and record 200 frames.
for (uint8_t n = 0; n < 200; ++n)
// Draw moving object.
memset(, 128, width * height);
for (int y = objectY; y < objectY + objectHeight; ++y)
for (int x = objectX; x < objectX + objectHeight; ++x)[y * width + x] = 255;
objectX += directionX;
objectY += directionY;
if (objectX >= width - objectWidth - 5 || objectX <= objectWidth + 5)
directionX = -directionX;
if (objectY >= height - objectHeight - 5 || objectY <= objectHeight + 5)
directionY = -directionY;
// Encode.
if (!videoCodec->transcode(frameNv12, frameH264))
std::cout << "Can't encode frame" << std::endl;
// Write to file.
fwrite(, frameH264.size, 1, outputFile);
// Close file.
return 1;